Schools Safeguarding Supervision

Schools Safeguarding Supervision

Here at Schools Safeguarding, we believe that effective supervision is an essential part of a school’s approach to keeping children safe whilst also addressing staff wellbeing.


All members of the Schools Safeguarding Team are passionate about looking after staff who deal with safeguarding and child protection issues.

Being a Designated Safeguarding Lead can be a lonely role, particularly when confidentiality limits the opportunities to offload. Often, this reduces emotional capacity and therefore effectiveness to carry out the role. Supervision or regular supportive 1:1 meetings provide a safe space to discuss any concerns or worries relating to safeguarding and can reframe difficult situations and make them more manageable. Supervision meetings are also an opportunity to gain case management advice from specialist safeguarding professionals.

The team at Schools Safeguarding is made up of Qualified Social Workers and experienced DSLs who provide supervision, support, guidance and case management for any school staff member who may require it.

Supervision is statutory according to the following Statutory Guidance:

  • The Statutory Framework for EYFS 2021 states that ‘Providers must put appropriate arrangements in place for the supervision of staff who have contact with children and families. Effective supervision provides support, coaching and training for the practitioner and promotes the interests of children. Supervision should foster a culture of mutual support, teamwork and continuous improvement, which encourages the confidential discussion of sensitive issues.’

  • Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 states that, ‘Practitioners should be given sufficient time, funding, supervision and support to fulfil their child welfare and safeguarding responsibilities effectively.’

  • Keeping Children Safe in Education states that Designated Safeguarding Leads, ‘…should be given the time, funding, training, resources and support to provide advice and support to other staff on child welfare and child protection matters…’

Supervision is a formal child-centred process that provides a forum for practitioners to:

  • Discuss child protection and safeguarding cases and plan ‘Next Steps’ for children and families
  • Reflect on practice
  • Manage concerns before they escalate
  • Understand and adhere to the policies and shared values of the organisation
  • ‘Offload’ and consider the emotional impact of their role on their wellbeing

The benefits of supervision are widespread but are proven to include:

  • Improved outcomes for children – getting the right help or protection at the right time

  • Increase in staff confidence and resilience – staff feel better equipped to deal with issues they may face

  • Skill and expertise development – staff become adept at dealing with all aspects of their role

  • Improved staff morale – staff feel listened to and valued

  • Prevent ‘burnout’ – the emotional impact of the role is discussed and managed


"Completed a few training days led by Andrea and I have found all of them engaging and very informative. Not only do we learn new things but gain more confidence and reassurance that we are doing the right thing!"


"I just wanted to thank you for all the support and guidance you have given us over the past few years, we really appreciate it"

Training and Support

“Thank you for all the support you have given us all at our school recently. Last week's training for our DSL team was wonderful along with your support via the Safeguarding Support Line. We just all wanted you to know how much we value you and what a positive difference you have made to so many.”