This policy sets out Schools Safeguarding approach to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. It applies to all aspects of our work and to everyone representing Schools Safeguarding, including permanent and temporary employees, contractors and self-employed contracted consultants and trainers.

Here at Schools Safeguarding, we believe that everyone has a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and adults, to keep them safe and to practice in a way that protects them.

We will make sure that all children and young people have the same protection regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religion, belief, or sexual orientation.

Safeguarding children is defined in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ as:

  • protecting children from maltreatment;
  • preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development;
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.



Schools Safeguarding carries out safer recruitment checks on everyone who works for us. All roles require an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and two suitable written references before the individual joins us. Consultants and Trainers may be subject to a check of social media because their role may bring them into regular contact with children and vulnerable adults. Right to Work in the UK checks, Identity checks and Overseas CRB checks where required, are also undertaken prior to commencement of employment. Where a qualification is required for the post, evidence of this qualification has been seen and a copy retained.

Anyone interviewed for a post with Schools Safeguarding either internally or from outside the organisation, will need to show an understanding of safeguarding that is relevant to the role that they are applying for.

Everyone working for Schools Safeguarding has a responsibility to familiarise themselves with this safeguarding policy and associated policies and procedures. They must maintain a proper focus on the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults in all aspects of their work.



All Schools Safeguarding representatives are required to complete an induction and access regular training to ensure they have an understanding of safeguarding and safe practice relevant to their role. Schools Safeguarding representatives will adhere to the organisation’s Code of Conduct. All employees will demonstrate in their practice their understanding of the following documents:

  • Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • Guidance for Safer Working Practice
  • What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • The Prevent Duty


Schools Safeguarding staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times and must adhere to the Schools Safeguarding Code of Conduct at all times.

All members of Schools Safeguarding staff are issued with a unique ID card which they must display clearly when visiting any setting. Copies of this ID card may be taken by the setting if required as part of the setting’s safeguarding policies and procedures. This ID card is verification that all Safer Recruitment Checks have been carried out as detailed above.

Schools Safeguarding staff must sign in and out of any setting that they visit and comply with the setting’s visitor and other relevant policies and procedures. This includes wearing any visitor identification that is required and returning this at the end of their visit.  Additionally, this includes wearing any required Personal Protective Equipment, ensuring they adhere to a school’s individual COVID-19 risk assessment. 

Schools Safeguarding staff may be privy to confidential and sensitive information relating to any child or adult connected with the setting. Any such information must be kept confidential by the Schools Safeguarding staff member, unless it raises concerns. Under such circumstances, information may be shared during Schools Safeguarding Supervision meetings or as detailed below in the CONCERNS section.

During visits to schools and other settings, Schools Safeguarding staff members will conduct themselves in a manner that is sensitive and appropriate to their role. They will only initiate contact with children, parents and other members of the school community where this is required as part of their visit.

Schools Safeguarding staff should be supervised at a level that is appropriate to the purpose of their visit, at all settings where children are present.  When Schools Safeguarding staff are unsupervised in a school then their DBS certificate should be shown. A Letter of Assurance is provided to all schools where regular work is undertaken.

All Schools Safeguarding staff will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with demonstrating fundamental British Values and as such will adhere to the Prevent Duty: guidance for schools.



Schools Safeguarding staff should never investigate concerns about individual children or vulnerable adults who are or may be being abused or who are at risk. However, this does not mean that we should do nothing when we learn of a concern. We all have a responsibility to make sure that concerns about children and vulnerable adults are passed to the agency that can help them without delay.

If anyone is concerned that a child or vulnerable adult is at risk of being abused or neglected, they should report their concerns to the setting’s Designated Safeguarding Lead. This must be done without delay and without exception on the same working day that the concern was noticed. Where the concern is related to a member of staff’s wellbeing or practice, consideration should be given as to who the best person is within the organisation to report this to. Schools Safeguarding staff must also report any concerns about children or adults to the Schools Safeguarding Designated Safeguarding Lead, Andrea Gray. The Schools Safeguarding DSL will then decide whether further action is necessary such as referral to Children’s Social Care, LADO or Police.

Any concerns regarding representatives of Schools Safeguarding should be reported to the organisation’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Andrea Gray on 07414231600 or

If Andrea Gray is unavailable, any of the above concerns should be reported to Emma Molyneux, Schools Safeguarding Operations Manager on 07761510227 or

If the concern is about Andrea Gray or the concern is not managed to your satisfaction the LADO should be contacted.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following documents:

  • Schools Safeguarding Code of Conduct
  • Schools Safeguarding Staff Handbook
  • Guidance for Safer Working Practice
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education

This policy was written by Andrea Gray and ratified by an external educational consultant and a small consortium of Headteachers from LCC and BwD schools.

It will be reviewed at least annually and updated as necessary in line with changes to local and national guidance.

Written and Adopted: August 2019


August 2020

January 2021

July 2021

August 2022

August 2023

Signed: Andrea Gray

Director Schools Safeguarding North Ltd.