Schools Safeguarding Audit

Schools Safeguarding Audit
Other than inspections, how do you know your safeguarding provision is effective and compliant with statutory guidance and legislation?
Let the team here at Schools Safeguarding make this easy for you by carrying out a full audit on your school’s safeguarding provision. Looking at everything from site security to policy, and procedures, a safeguarding audit will identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement.
The audit will consist of a Safeguarding Consultant visiting your school, for at least one full day to meet with staff and scrutinise policy procedures and practice. The findings will then be compiled into an Action Plan and Report which will be emailed to you. A follow-up visit will then be undertaken at a suitable time, normally a term later than the original visit. During this process, we will keep in touch with you regularly to support and guide you in improving safeguarding. Any recommendations that are made in the Action Plan are optional and will incur additional costs. We will work together to devise a package of support that is affordable and effective.

Full Safeguarding Audit?
Looking at everything from site security to policy, and procedures, a safeguarding audit will identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement.

Specific Area Scrutiny?
A safeguarding audit of a specific area will identify good practices and improvements within the specific area.
The Safeguarding Audit will cover:
Compliancy and effectiveness of policies and procedures relating to safeguarding and child protection
Governor oversight and challenge of safeguarding provision
Safer Recruitment and training records, including Single Central Record
How the role of DSL is undertaken, supported and managed
Record Keeping and how records evidence concerns, pupil voice, Early Help requirements etc.
Multi-Agency working
Site Safety
Online Safety
Culture of safeguarding
Any specific issues that arise during the audit process.
Audits will be carried out at a time that is agreed between Schools Safeguarding and the contact at the school, normally the Head Teacher or DSL. If more than one day’s visit is required, this will be arranged as soon as possible after the initial visit.
Any recommended actions other than general advice and support will incur an additional cost. A quote for this work will be given and cost, duration and terms and conditions will be agreed upon prior to any further work being provided.