Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – Designated Safeguarding Lead
KCSIE 23 states: ‘Children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) or certain medical or physical health conditions can face additional safeguarding challenges.’
It is essential that DSLs are alert to the specific safeguarding needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND),and can recognise the additional risks that children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) face online, for example, from bullying, grooming and radicalisation and are confident they have the capability to support children with SEND to stay safe online and offline.
This training provides delegates with a unique insight into how to ensure children with SEND are safeguarded in an
educational setting. Covering topics such as Early Help Assessments, pastoral support, communication, curriculum and working with parents and other agencies. This training is suitable for existing DSLs from both mainstream and
specialist settings, SENCOs and Inclusion Leads.

Developed by a SEND Specialist Consultant
The training is developed and delivered by Sally Berry, SEND Specialist Consultant. Following this full-day training, delegates will receive a SEND Safeguarding Toolkit and certification of the course.
Please see the calendar for dates, venues and costs. Alternatively, If you would like this training to be delivered in your individual school or for a cluster of schools, SIG or MAT, please do get in touch and this can be arranged.