Designated Safeguarding Lead Refresher

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Refresher Training

KCSIE 23 states: ‘The designated safeguarding lead (and any deputies) should undergo training to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out the role. This training should be updated at least every two years.’

Schools Safeguarding recognises that the DSL role is different in every school and is ever-changing and developing. With this in mind, we have developed a ‘refresher’ style training session which is suitable only for DSLs with experience in the role. This training will provide opportunities for existing DSLs to update their safeguarding knowledge and skills, whilst also providing an opportunity to share best practices and discuss the challenges of the role. This training session will be informal and is likely to change over the course of the academic year in order to keep abreast of current issues.

The DSL Refresher Training will include:

  • Updates to Legislation, Guidance and Local Procedures
  • Training
  • Induction
  • Record Keeping
  • Information Sharing
  • Support & Supervision Requirements & Systems
  • New & Emerging Safeguarding Issues
  • Challenges & Successes
  • Questions & Answers

Delegates will be provided with updated resources and DSL certification upon completion of this one-day training course.


"Completed a few training days led by Andrea and I have found all of them engaging and very informative. Not only do we learn new things but gain more confidence and reassurance that we are doing the right thing!"


"I just wanted to thank you for all the support and guidance you have given us over the past few years, we really appreciate it"

Training and Support

“Thank you for all the support you have given us all at our school recently. Last week's training for our DSL team was wonderful along with your support via the Safeguarding Support Line. We just all wanted you to know how much we value you and what a positive difference you have made to so many.”